Dan bear port of Plitvice Lakes

Dan bear port of Plitvice Lakes. Preparing a big bear scrambled eggs with onions, we will introduce you to several ways of preparing the bear's bow and its positive sides in the diet, and leave the rest to your imagination. Come and see the action bear port! Organisers Association renters of private accommodation Plitvice Lakes and the Tourist Board of Plitvice Lakes. General sponsor of the Municipality of Plitvice Lakes and catering and accommodation facilities in the area of ​​the municipality.

Dan bear port of Plitvice Lakes. Preparing a big bear scrambled eggs with onions, we will introduce you to several ways of preparing the bear's bow and its positive sides in the diet, and leave the rest to your imagination. Come and see the action bear port! Organisers Association renters of private accommodation Plitvice Lakes and the Tourist Board of Plitvice Lakes. General sponsor of the Municipality of Plitvice Lakes and catering and accommodation facilities in the area of ​​the municipality.

Renter's association of private accommodation Plitvice Lakes and the Tourist Board of Plitvice Lakes invites you to "bear DAY IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF PORT Plitvice Lakes, will be held on 07.05.2010. beginning at 10 am in front of Macola hotel

The main sponsor is the Municipality of Plitvice Lakes


  • 10.00 - 11.00h save big bear scrambled eggs with onions in front of Hotel Macola
  • From 11.00 - 11.30 am departure to the White streams
  • From 11.30 - 12.00h talk about bear bow
  • From 12.00 - 14.00h picking bear Airport
  • At 15.00pm lunch on the white streams


WHAT IS wild garlic (Allium ursinum, lat) ??????

  • Delicious vegetables and effective remedy

The ancient Romans were a wild arc given precedence over the garlic. It grows in shady forests with deep humus and smells strongly of garlic. Here we find him in the deep woods on a very clean place. Bear's garlic is particularly useful in the treatment of spring Kurama. Excellent purifies the blood, intestines, stomach and lungs, a good remedy for hardening of blood vessels and lowers blood pressure.

It is best used fresh, with a variety of salads, and can be used for making soup and sauces. We will introduce you to several ways to prepare bear-port, and leave the rest to your imagination.



  • Juice of bear-port successfully helps heal physical injuries (wounds)
  • Treatment of atherosclerosis and high blood pressure-tincture: 200g of fresh leaves port chop and pour 1 liter grape brandy and seal.After rest for 15 to 20 days, with occasional agitation, the liquid filtrate into a dark glass jar and store in a cool place. Take two to three times per day for one teaspoon of tincture in a little water involved.


In cooking

Cream of the bear's port, the ingredients:

Bear 300g onions, 1 small red onion, 100g of potatoes, 1 tablespoon butter, 5DL milk, ½ cubes for soup, 2.5dl cream, salt and pepper.


Bear leaves port and chop onions, peel potatoes and cut into cubes and fry in hot butter. Add milk and lots of broth, boil and gently boil 10 minutes until potatoes are tender. In soup add wild garlic and cream, and mix everything together using electric mixer. Soup boil again, season with salt and pepper and serve.

Bon appetit!

Weather forecast for Plitvička jezera

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Prognoza vremena za Plitvička jezera
Prognoza vremena za Plitvička jezera
Prognoza vremena za Plitvička jezera
Prognoza vremena za Plitvička jezera
Prognoza vremena za Plitvička jezera
Prognoza vremena za Plitvička jezera
Prognoza vremena za Plitvička jezera